Pace Chart

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Here you’ll find a pace converter for your desired pace, and below that, a pace chart from 5 km to the marathon distance.

Enter your target time per kilometer here.


Chart for Runners
5 km
10 km
15 km
20 km
21,1 km
25 km
30 km
35 km
40 km
42.2 km
18.943:10 15:500:31:400:47:301:03:201:06:491:19:101:35:001:50:502:06:402:13:38
18.00 3:20 16:400:33:200:50:001:06:401:10:201:23:201:40:001:56:402:13:202:20:40
17.143:30 17:300:35:000:52:301:10:001:13:501:27:301:45:002:02:302:20:002:27:00
16.363:40 18:200:36:400:55:001:13:201:17:211:31:401:50:002:08:202:26:402:34:42
15.653:50 19:100:38:200:57:301:16:401:20:521:35:501:55:002:14:102:33:202:41:44
15.00 4:00 20:000:40:001:00:001:20:001:24:231:40:002:00:002:20:002:40:002:48:38
14.404:10 20:500:41:401:02:301:23:201:27:541:44:102:05:002:25:502:46:402:56:48
13.844:20 21:400:43:201:05:001:26:401:31:251:48:202:10:002:31:402:53:203:02:50
13.334:30 22:300:45:001:07:301:30:001:34:561:52:302:15:002:37:303:00:003:09:52
12.854:40 23:200:46:401:10:001:33:201:38:271:56:402:20:002:43:203:06:403:16:54
12.414:50 24:100:48:201:12:301:36:401:41:582:00:502:25:002:49:103:13:203:23:56
12.00 5:00 25:000:50:001:15:001:40:001:45:292:05:002:30:002:55:003:20:003:30:58
11.615:10 25:500:51:401:17:301:43:201:49:002:09:102:35:003:00:503:26:403:38:00
11.255:20 26:400:53:201:20:001:46:401:52:312:13:202:40:003:06:403:33:203:45:02
10.905:30 27:300:55:001:22:301:50:001:56:022:17:302:45:003:12:303:40:003:52:04
10.585:40 28:200:56:401:25:001:53:201:59:332:21:402:50:003:18:203:46:403:59:06
10.285:50 29:100:58:201:27:301:56:402:03:042:25:502:55:003:24:103:53:204:06:08
10.006:00 30:001:00:001:30:002:00:002:06:352:30:003:00:003:30:004:00:004:13:10
9.72 6:10 30:501:01:401:32:302:03:202:10:062:34:103:05:003:35:504:06:404:20:12
9.47 6:20 31:401:03:201:35:002:06:402:13:372:38:203:10:003:41:404:13:204:27:14
9.23 6:30 32:301:05:001:37:302:10:002:17:082:42:303:15:003:47:304:20:004:34:16

The pace chart

The pace chart for runners is like a detailed map illustrating the rhythm and speed of a running journey. It serves as a guidepost, enabling runners to set their own goals and control their running performance.

This table is a structured representation of speeds across various distances. Each entry provides precise information on how fast a runner should run per kilometer or mile to achieve specific time goals. It is a tool that assists runners in controlling their pace and distributing their energy over the entire distance.

The pace chart reflects not only numbers but also the challenges and triumphs associated with different running speeds. It allows runners to recognize their individual strengths and weaknesses, adapting their strategies accordingly.

For beginners, the pace chart is a guide to finding an appropriate pace and avoiding overexertion. For experienced runners, it serves as an instrument to fine-tune their training goals and performance expectations.

Overall, the pace chart is a valuable tool that helps runners better plan their running sessions, track their progress, and enhance their individual performance. It is a loyal companion on the journey toward personal bests and effective training.